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Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport

Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport

by Mary Clymer, Independent Blog Author for the Renton Junction on January 12, 2021

Big Change Begins in your Local Community
By Mary Clymer, Independent Blog Author for the Renton Junction

Last week we watched a mob of people storm our Nation's Capital.  Passionate individuals who are being led to do horrendous acts in the name of a man who they think has their best interests in mind. 

Our republic is fragile and misinformation is fueling us towards a sad end that will serve the very few. 


One of the biggest insights we the people got from 2020 was an eye opening crash course in the deep rooted racism still very much alive in our nation. 

To hear incoming president Joe Biden claim “this is not America” is a falsehood we need to remove. This is clearly America. It is part of the ugly underbelly that we can no longer sweep under the rug as though it is someone else's problem. 

Racism is alive and well. It is being fueled by a very small group of powerful men who wish for nothing more than to see American fail. 

How did we get here? 

The truth is none of us can say we were shocked by last wednesdays events. 

We have come to a place where not getting involved is no longer an option. 

Democracy was always meant to be an active movement. We have had the luxury to not think too much about it. After all, our lives are pretty comfortable here in America. 

Social media hands us new information everyday as we fly faster towards the fight for our freedom. 

We need representatives that reflect who we are. 

Stacey Abrams lost her election for Governor of Georgia in 2018. She did not throw a tantrum. No, she got to work doing exactly what she said she was going to do. Building resources and empowering the people to work against voter suppression. Less than three years later for the first time in my life Georgia is a blue state. 

We the people are very powerful, yet we have given our power away. 

You hear it everywhere you go about politicians being crooked. On some level we all realize that we must get involved if we want to see change. 

And national change starts at a local level. It starts with you, right now, today. 

Here in Renton we are lucky to have a council and mayor who reflect our demographic. Individuals who I know personally. Individuals who understand the importance of their role in our community and look at the bigger picture. 

Sure they may vote or steer the ship in a direction that doesn’t make sense to me personally, but they are available to chat and listen to the people. 

Our very own Diane Dobson, Renton Chamber CEO, has been accused of terrible things in her fight for the business community here in Renton. 

In a city of over 100 thousand people you’re not always going to see eye to eye with everyone. Heck it’s hard to get everyone in my family on the same page for dinner. But we don’t need to be on the same page as long as we understand that these elected officials are working for the greater good. 

Mind you, I didn’t say your greater good. But the greater good for all. 

It’s a hard task, and it’s a task that will divide people. 

If you don’t like what you're seeing in the world around you then you have no choice but to get involved. 

Not everyone will see eye to eye with you, but at least you’re out there speaking your truth and helping others to connect with theirs. Speaking up for the voiceless and using what privilege you do have to support and lift those who cannot speak.

Last week we watched domestic terrorists attack us at the heart of our country. I don’t know your experience or thoughts on this, but I do know that anyone who understands the constitution and wants to see it upheld could feel the heaviness of the day. 

You may be at home feeling helpless or disconnected, and I am encouraging you to use this as fuel. Fuel to want more from your elected officials, your community, and your county. 

Things change when we have the courage to stand up for what’s right. 

Admittedly I am not feeling super proud about being an American lately. I don’t want to be seen as a bully, or as lazy and ungrateful, but I do.

I want to stand proud as a symbol of hope for the world to look at as a graceful power. 

I believe we are on our way to this more true reflection of America. It won’t be easy, or comfortable, but it is a must. 

Take back your power. 

Get  involved and help be part of the greatest movement of our lives. Help to rebuild our nation into one that reflects all her people. 

No more sitting on the sidelines name calling from behind our computer screens. Get out there and stand up for what you believe in. 

If you need help connecting to groups or resources please reach out and let us know. 

A lazy society is a controlled society and we are stronger than that. 

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