Renton American Legion Fred Hancock Post 19 Business Meeting
Tuesday March 12th 2024 7:00 pm — 8:00 pm
The Renton American Legion Fred Hancock Post 19 meets the second Tuesday of every month, except July and August, at 7 PM at the Post Hall, 3224 NE 12th Street, in the Renton Highlands, under the water tower. All veterans welcome. Most vets are eligible for membership. America's premier patriotic veterans organization and the prime driver of the original G. I. Bill, the Legion focuses on service to veterans, and has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans, and produced many important programs for the community, children and youth. Come join us, area vets.
James P. Wilhoit, Adjutant
3/12 4/9 5/14 6/11 9/10 10/8 11/12 12/10 All at 7 PM
Post Hall, 3224 NE 12th Street